Select and commit to one of the daily challenges

Learn to code
Practice in Codecademy 30-minutes a day

Get fit
30 burpees a day

Get more customers
5-minutes daily sales practice

Get happy
Write 3 things you’re grateful for daily

Get a personal audience
Tweet daily

Become a saint
Do 1 random act of kindness a day

How It Works
1. Do it free or pledge money on your success
Pledge and make money from failed challenges
2. Get accountability partners
Name friends to hold you accountable
3. Check in
Check in daily to get your pledge back
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does this cost?
It’s free for solo challenges.
How do you know if I did my challenge?
Every challenge gets a unique page that you can bookmark and check in to from anywhere.
Can I get daily reminders?
Yes! We send you and accountability partners daily reminder emails. We also give optional calendar reminders.
Building habits in the present allows you to do more of what you want in the future.
-James Clear